Bharti Kisan Union Ekta Ugrahan called to stand against the fascist attack of Modi Government
B.K.U (Ugrahan) -Bharti Kisan Union Ekta Ugrahan called to stand against the fascist attack of Modi Government.
Condemned the attack of RSS groups on Farmers.
B.K.U. (Ugrahan) condemned the attack of RSS goons from behind at Singhu Border , Tikkri Border and Kissan Majdoor Sangrash committee stage. The farmer leaders called all the justice seeking people to stand firm against the fascist attack of BJP government led mobs.
Today addressing a huge gathering at the stage of Pakora Chowk state secretary Shingara Singh Mann alleged that the silence of police during the attack of RSS fundamentalists at Singhu Border on the farmers is a proof of the planned and counted conspiracy of BJP . He called the farmers of country to act like the farmers of UP, who came out against the attack of police at Gazipur Border against the agression of police force. He said that Modi government is trying to fail this historical movement by creating a drift between the farmers of Punjab and other states labelling this agitation as Khalistani movement. He called upon the farmers of country to come out to protect the farmers’ struggle against corporate houses.
State leader Jaswinder Singh Longowal said let we couragiously march forward in the path to achieve the target of repulsion the 3 farmer laws, along with the Electicity Act 2020, Stubble Burning Ordinance and ensuring the constitutional gurantee of MSP and PDS. Women leader Harinder Bindu called the farmers and youth to raise high the secular flag of peasant agitation and come forward to resist the inflirtation of fundamentalist elements in the farmer struggle.
Gurpreet Kaur Brass called the youth to volunteer in the committees to protect the farmers leaders and farmer contingents. She demanded the repulsion of farmer acts and the cases against the farmer leaders and to free the arrested farmers.
The farmer leaders Satveer Fogat, Vajeer Singh and Jasveer Singh Bhaati from Haryana announced that the farmers of Haryana will participate in the farmer struggle with a great zeal and courage. They said that the farmers of Haryana will fail the attemptes to creat drift between farmers. All the leaders called the farmers of diffrent states to build a peasant movement by oppossing the attacks on farmer struggle.
_ Issued By Shingara Singh Mann
New Delhi, January 29, 2021