Stop telling us this isn’t a genocide, Stop telling us this isn’t against Muslims; Aysha Renna

” I was taken to another room alone. They kept on beating me continuesly. They pulled me by my beard, demanding me to cut it off. They asked me to chant Jai shree ram, while they were repeatedly giving those slogans while beating me up.” Kasim, a student of B.A Sociology in Jamia Milia Islamia speaks about the violence unleashed on him by the Delhi Police. He was detained with other students while protesting against the violence going on in North- east Delhi. Delhi Police has completely become enslaved to the ideology of RSS. From allowing the RSS terrorists to fire on Muslims, to helping them burn Muslim houses, looting their properties… All the state machineries are targeting Muslims, attacking their identity. Stop telling us this isn’t a genocide. Stop telling us this isn’t against Muslims.
_ Aysha Renna