The White Death Sentence

Thousands of murderers of George Flyods and other innocent blacks are still there in the armed forces of America. Most of the murderers are acquitted by the same racist state and it’s judicial system…

_ Rejaz M Sydeek

George Flyod’s murder is a death sentence awarded by the public consiousness of America’s white Supremacy. The Racist American Police are similar to the Islamophobic-Dalitphobic Indian Police which kills Muslims , Dalits & Kashmiris. But key problem of being racist is the White Supremacy of America while Hindutva is responsible for propagating Islamophobia and Dalitphobia in India . Both US state and Indian state supports and promotes White supremacy and Hindutva respectively. Right wing Trump’s ideologies and Right Wing RSS’s Ideologies cannot deny their role in the spread of this hate virus.

George Floyd, an unarmed black citizen was arrested by the Minneapolis police for forgery. A white police officer pinned the handcuffed Flyod down with his knee. Flyod cried that he was not able to breathe, his stomach was paining . Still the police officer didn’t let his knee off from Flyod’s neck . The 3 officers who were also present at the scene didn’t tried to stop the officer from killing Floyd. Flyod was dead within a few minutes.

American white supremacy which are spread by the US state,  Ku Klux Klan, right wing groups and the public consciousness of American society actually murdered him. On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old Afro-American  man, was murdered near Brunswick Georgia , US by a white father – son duo.

Attacks on Blacks are not an isolated incident in US. 5 years ago, Eric Graner, a black american was murdered in a similar way. He was arrested by NYPD(The New York City Police Department) officers and they put him in a chokehold while arresting him which lead to his death. Even black kids were shot to death by American officers, 12 year old Tamir Rice is an example of it. These police are just the mercenaries of the ruling class.

George Floyd was murdered for being a black because of the prevailing white supremacy .Thousands of murderers of George Flyods and other innocent blacks are still there in the armed forces of America. Most of the murderers are acquitted by the same racist state and it’s judicial system . Malcolm X has said American Democracy and American justice is hypocrisy because it frames the black victim as the criminal . He also added that Black people themselves have to fight against the system which gives them no voice for Black people in the society.

One day these racist armed suppressing tool of the US will openly team up with the right wing mobs, Nazis and white supremacists. Never consider them as protectors of the society. They can be equated with the SS and Gestapo police who killed Jews. Flyod’s murder is actually an attack on the entire oppressed black community. Hit back those imperialistic racist American police and state through whatever means possible . Resistance against Violence is definitely Non Violence . Comrade Mao Tse Tung has said , “Racism is a product of Colonialism and Imperialism .Only by overthrowing the capitalist class and destroying colonialism and imperialism can complete emancipation be won . For that we need people irrespective of their social backgrounds to fight against this man-made virus ( white supremacy ) which is more dangerous than Covid 19.

All powers to the black. Bring back Black Panthers movement ✊🏿

#icantbreathe #JusticeForFloyd #BlackLivesMatters #GeorgeFloyd

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