Journalism is not a balancing act
Journalism is not a balancing act, it is tough when the powers don’t want people to know the truth…
_ Mandeep Punia, Journalist
Thank all my journalist friends and colleagues who stood by one of them, editors guild, political parties and leaders who spoke up for the right of reporting.
I think in situations like these reporting, honest reporting is very crucial for all. A free press is an antidote of rumour mongering. But journalism is not a balancing act, it is tough when the powers don’t want people to know the truth.
Powers know the truth. People need to be informed accurately. Am aware that journalism is not a glamorous thing. My colleagues in India and elsewhere have faced worse.
I have been given bail and I am thankful to the honorable court but i should not have been arrested in the first place.
Kappan should be free, allowed to do his job.
I have been observing the kisan movement from day 1 and was pained to see how it was maligned and attacked by the media.
It was my responsibility as a journalist to report it truthfully and faithfully. I was trying to do that. I was trying to find out the people behind the attack on the movement site. My work was interrupted by the arrest. I lost valuable time.
I do feel that that i was wronged. The police interfered with my work.
That is my regret. Not the violence that i faced. This incident has strengthened my resolve to continue with my work, that is reporting from the ground the most dangerous and yet the most necessary part of journalism.