The numbers being displayed on our TV screens are not to be trusted
The people who’re reportedly infected by Corona in India are privileged souls. From what I know, it is impossible for the government to compile any such information with the present setup. The numbers being displayed on our TV screens are not to be trusted. We all have seen Delhi pogrom, where it has been alleged by workers on ground that hundreds died, and yet the total death count government could come up with was a little more than 50. Many deaths went unreported either deliberately or because the bodies couldn’t undergo postmortem.
Remember that the pogrom was confined to one small part of Delhi. For Corona, we’re talking about entire India. Unless the local government hospitals in all areas of India start doing a mass screening, we’d not know. An expert told BBC that close to 300 million people in India might be infected. We don’t know. With this kind of population density, and this kind of lifestyle, and of course this inefficient government..any number is possible.
_ Sharjeel Usmani